2 + 2 = 5
How would you solve 2+2=5?
Most people are able and forthright enough to immediately tell me I’m wrong, and about half of them also add that the correct answer is 4. Those who proclaim I am wrong but stop short of providing the “correct” answer will say the answer is 4 when I ask them to correct the problem for me. Very rarely does the conversation deviate from these two options.
However, the key to understanding this simple math problem as a leadership analogy lies in understanding the difference between the inputs of one’s life and the outcomes. It is accurate to say that 2+2≠5, but how you correct this statement depends on what is most important to you: the inputs or the outcome. If the inputs must remain 2+2, then the outcome is clearly 4, but if you really want the outcome to be 5, you must change the inputs to 2+3 or any number of equations that equal 5. The correction to the equation depends on what is more important to you.
A number of years ago, my daughter came home from pre-school, and as we were sitting around the dinner table, I made a comment about not liking something on my plate. My daughter exclaimed, “Dad, you get what you get and don’t get upset”! She was only three years old and cute as a button so I couldn’t be angry with her for the comment. However, I was extremely interested in where she heard this. She told us this was the line her teacher used all the time. Well, this led to some significant conversation with my wife, calming me down and not immediately withdrawing our daughter from a pre-school where they are “teaching” this defeatist mentality that the outcomes are set and any change of the inputs will not affect the equation, so you should just accept your lot in life!
The reality of life’s equation is this: 2+2≠5.
In your leadership of yourself and others, it is crucial that you understand this simple equation which can be translated to A+B=C.
“A” is you current reality, it is where you are or what you have right now. It is a fixed point in time.
“C” is where you would like to be; your preferred future. “B” is the necessary activity to move you from A to C.
“B” is what you do!
This is easily understood with the maps app on your phone. “A” is your current location, “C” is the address you enter for where you would like to end up and “B” is the blue line that tells you how to get there. The key is this, maps doesn’t work if you can’t enter a destination! Without a precise and compelling end point, you will not know what to do and neither will anyone who attempts to lead you.
So: what is your preferred future? Do you know what the necessary activities are to move you from A to C?