Brackish Blog

2 + 2 = 5
How would you solve 2+2=5?
Most people are able and forthright enough to immediately tell me I’m wrong, and about half of them also add that the correct answer is 4. Those who proclaim I am wrong but stop short of providing the “correct” answer will say the answer is 4 when I ask them to correct the problem for me. Very rarely does the conversation deviate from these two options.

What you want to do, you do.
Do you often wonder why you do the things you do? Or more concerning, do the things you don’t want to do or don’t do the things you want to do? Thousands of books have been written to battle this problem; books on motivation and goal setting line the best-seller shelves of all the major book stores.

Strengths & Weaknesses
Common human thought and language suggests each of us possess certain strengths and weaknesses. For years, we believed it was good discipline to work on our weaknesses while enjoying the ease and success of our strengths. We would delight in the A’s we received in the courses we found easy and natural and bemoan our lower grades while seeking tutors, further study materials and time, and the discipline to remediate our weaknesses.